willing to bet

美 [ˈwɪlɪŋ tu bet]英 [ˈwɪlɪŋ tu bet]
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willing to betwilling to bet
  1. Would you be willing to bet on your relationship ?


  2. I 'm willing to bet it 's for personal reasons .


  3. And I 'm willing to bet you that I 'm right .


  4. No , that we 're still willing to bet on ourselves .


  5. But I 'm willing to bet the log chain is still there today .


  6. I 'm willing to bet that there 's something you 've always wanted to do .


  7. It is hard to find any financial professional in Shanghai who is willing to bet on it .


  8. Willing to bet $ 100 million on that ?


  9. I 'm willing to bet there 'll be fewer people at some of the other places .


  10. Because is willing to bet must concede !


  11. I 'd be willing to bet that most people waste more time with their phone than they accomplish with it .


  12. But although I very much hope it lasts , I would not be willing to bet too much money on that .


  13. He was willing to bet his entire fortune on a roll of the dice .


  14. And after a year of having been proved wrong with every forecast , few industry analysts are willing to bet against them .


  15. " I 'd be willing to bet " that 's graveyard dirt .


  16. If you deal with application middleware , I would be willing to bet you are familiar with at least one of these pain points .


  17. Again and again entrepreneurs have been willing to bet their futures on what sensible people might dismiss as a crazy idea .


  18. However , regardless of the fate of how to decide , I am still willing to bet tomorrow with today , with all my life .


  19. You can do this dance if you want to , but I 'm willing to bet when the coroner 's report comes back tomorrow


  20. I am willing to bet that those car designers who are able to sketch or draw so well , have put in serious time into their profession .


  21. In fact , I believe and I have two fat thumbs , I can 't text very well , but I 'm willing to bet that with evolution ,


  22. Without even meeting the roommate , you are willing to bet that these two won 't live together for long , and , in fact , you are probably right .


  23. We 're not sure if Marilyn Monroe would approve , but we 're willing to bet she 'd at least be intrigued .


  24. Nonetheless , without certainty over the actual direction of copper demand in China , few investors are willing to bet right now that the bull run will resume .


  25. I 'm willing to bet whoever drafts him is thinking of the financial oppurtunities that come with him moreso than his actual skills .


  26. The cost of insuring against global bank defaults has plunged to its lowest level since the financial crisis in a sign that investors are willing to bet the industry has become safer .


  27. I am willing to bet that the majority of CEE countries will have an IMF programme by the end of this year , as no other institution is as ready to provide the urgently needed support .


  28. In particular , they appear willing to bet on large property names that aren 't burdened by heavy debt loads , and businesses that piggyback off the brick-and-mortar needs of China 's booming e-commerce industry .


  29. I 'm willing to bet you 've been stifling afew yawns yourself by this point - as Provine points out , reading or eventhinking about yawning can be enough to set us off .


  30. I am willing to bet that the real reason for the visit is to beg the Chinese to continue to purchase US debt and to ensure them that we will someday pay them back ( although that is a lie ) .
